Found Sheep
JoinedTopics Started by Found Sheep
"Cheers" question
by reubenfine indoes anybody remember the logic behind why it was wrong to make toasts with drink and say "cheers"?
what was up with that, anyway??
A classic case of WT dishonesty.
by caspian inthe following piece of misleading wt thinking was emailed to me recently by a close friend see what you think.
the following words are plaguerised from another person, but i did feel they should be posted.
""under the title "is it wrong to pronounce gods name?
On The Art Of Fading
by expatbrit inin october of 2000, i faded away from the watchtower.
like most people, i have family and friends who are jw's (including my wife and parents).
fading is generally the best method for people in that situation.
by minimus inyesterday, a friend told me that she has been secretly dating a non- witness.
she plans on marrying him and will tell about her relationship only after she is married.
she is worried that she will be marked.
Greedy, bumming pioneers..did U know any? LOL
by LyinEyes inwild turkey and his elder friend ( who is still in ) were talking about this last nite.
seems like most of the pioneers we knew in our area were moochers(sp?
) they would go to any means to save a penny,.
JW's and Chronic Fatigue Syndrone!
by cornish inchronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
Common Psychological Problems of Mind Manipulatio
by Jang incommon psychological problems of mind manipulation:.
the following problems and emotions are common with survivors.
these are all normal emotions and will pass as you recover.. keeping a journal and sorting one's overwhelming feelings is most healing and helps work through feelings of betrayal and abuse.
by Frenchy inokay, so far no one has posted anything about photography on this forum.
so what do you guys and gals think about digital vs 35mm?.
i use to do a little shutter bugging myself.
Righteous Jehovah's Witnesses
by waiting inlast nite i found a web site which had a group of very straight, righteous jw's.
if any question was dubious, (like most of our group's) these questions were in an isolated section so as not to offend the remaining members.
this was by far the most interesting in questions and comments.. it was the attitude from friends worldwide that was fascinating in a somewhat horrible way.